
Diamonds are ground in many different shapes and new cuts are constantly being launched.

The shape itself can e.g. be it drop, square, oval, heart or the familiar round diamond.

Shape grinding

Round diamonds are almost always cut with a brilliant cut. Brilliant grinding has been used for 100 years.

Out of the 4 Cs, grinding is the only factor man has the ability to control. The grinding is a result of man's persistent speculations and calculations. Unfortunately, there has not been much focus on the quality of the cut in the past, but more and more people are becoming aware that the quality of the cut is the most important factor if you want the diamonds to shine as much as possible.

If the quality of the cut does not have a high standard and is perfectly done, much of the diamond's luster will be lost. It is extremely important that the facets of the diamond are angled correctly in relation to each other, so that the light not only passes through the diamond but is reflected back through the top of the diamond, which is also referred to as the crown.

The art of grinding

When grinding is done, it is normal that 50-60% carat is lost.

Depending on the type of result desired, you can also choose to grind the rough diamond to preserve as many carats as possible.In that case, one typically loses only 30-40% carat, but in return the same beauty is not achieved.

To optimize the grinding, it is often the case that the raw diamond is sawn or split into smaller stones, which are then each ground separately.

In this way, a single rough diamond can be obtained from a single rough diamond.

As you know, diamonds are the hardest mineral in the world, so in order to be able to cut and grind into diamonds, it is necessary to use special tools. Specifically, tools lined with diamonds are used.

That a diamond-plated tool can cut and grind into diamonds is due to the fact that a diamond is not equally hard in all directions.